Thursday, June 18, 2009

What Do You Want To See Here?

This is a safety blog....or that was the original intention anyway. So I'm planning on doing a post about picking out a car seat, finding a bottle your breast fed baby will take, and more about our sleep saga. So there's 3 things, but what do you my readers want to know more about. I'm also want to learn more about high fructose corn syrup.

I do baby wear and will probably look at some other carriers as Nicholas gets older. We did cloth diaper up until a month or so ago, so I can share some info about that too.

Those are my ideas, but what I want to know is what interests you. Please leave your ideas as a comment.


1 comment:

  1. I love learning about the pro's and con's of the carseats out there. Price vs. efficiency, features vs. safety, etc..
