Friday, May 29, 2009


Well, I figured I'd start this blog off with a little bit about me and what I intend to be the purpose of my blog.

My name is Susan. First and foremost, I'm a mom and wife. Second I'm a Child Passenger Safety Tech (CPST for short). I'm passionate about keeping my son safe. And with that passion came a desire to help keep other children safe. I look for products that will be useful in our everyday life, but are also safe for my son.

My son, Nicholas, is 5 months old. I consider myself a pretty mainstream parent, but I don't want to do anything that will put my son's health and safety in jeopardy. To accomplish that goal, I breastfeed, delay his vaccines, use as many BPA free products as I can and attempt to keep other toxins away from him. I'm not perfect, but I do my best for Nicholas.

I'm hoping this blog will be a place for me to share the things that we do and use. Hopefully our experiences will help you make choices that work for your family.